Barb's Birds and Bichons


Silkies have been around for almost as long as chickens themselves although the Silkies we have today probably don't share much in common with those ancestors except for their silkied feathers. Silkied feathers are hookless with extended and deformed barbes. The Silkies we have today most likely originate in the Orient. They have feathered legs and feet, 5 toes (polydactyly), (most common breeds of poultry have 4 toes), and blue/black skin and meat (fybromelanosis.) Silkies can be either bearded or unbearded and are "crested" with a large poof of feathers growing upright from the top of their head. Many crested chickens also have vaulted skulls which is a protuberance of their brain upon which the crest grows. Silkies in North America have a walnut comb. The walnut comb and beard are also associated with smaller or even nonexistent wattles. The size and shape of the crest and comb are believed to be related. (Smaller comb = larger crest.) Crests in North America are often so abundant that the Silkie's vision is obstructed. Obstruction of vision is not allowed in European Silkies. Silkies were admitted to the North American Standard in 1874.

Two Self Blue pullets after their bath

Silkies are very trusting and make excellent pets. Because of their obstructed vision (although the crests can be trimmed if in non-exhibition birds) and trusting nature, they are probably not the best for free-ranging. They are known for their broodiness (living incubators) and they make excellent mothers. They are found in dozens of colours. There are both bantam and large fowl varieties in Europe, however, only the bantam variety is recognized in North America. (Every country has its own standard for the various breeds of poultry.) Silkies lay small slightly tinted eggs.

I became an American Silkie Bantam Club Master Breeder of White Bearded Silkies in 2017, and a Master Exhibitor. In 2020 I became the second ever person to be awarded Master Breeder of the Bearded Self-Blue (aka. lavender) variety. I work with Bearded Silkies; White, Black, Blue/Splash, and Self Blue (lavender).

Self-Blue Bearded Silkie pullet White bearded Silkie pullet
Self Blue Bearded Silkie Pullet White Bearded Silkie Hen
Black bearded Silkie pullet Splash bearded Silkie pullet
Black Bearded Silkie Pullet Splash Bearded Silkie Hen

Elliot teaching is kids how to enjoy life

Show Champion      White Bearded Silkie pullet, Ella      American Silkie Bantam Club Master Breeder award

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copyright (images and text)
Barbara Dodington 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
revised January 5, 2022 by Barbara Dodington